Gafufa III

With the release of our third EP, we continue our quest to find our creative voice in the vast realm of Rock music styles and genres. Gafufa III is a compilation of six new songs completely written, produced, mixed and mastered by us, which was one of our goals when we started our musical journey. We continue to write honest songs reaching down to our authentic heartfelt emotions and actual life experiences.

en Español

Con el lanzamiento de nuestro tercer EP, seguimos perseverando en la búsqueda de nuestra voz creativa dentro del vasto entorno musical de los diferentes estilos y géneros del Rock. Gafufa III es un compilado de seis canciones que fueron completamente escritas, producidas, mezcladas y masterizadas por nosotros mismos, lo cual era una de nuestras metas desde que empezamos esta aventura musical como banda. Seguimos escribiendo canciones sinceras, indagando en nuestras emociones y experiencias más auténticas y profundas.

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The track “Periscope” came fluently to us in a brief jam session. Armed with an initial idea of the lyrics, an early melody, an acoustic guitar, and a keyboard, we gave birth to one of Gafufa’s favorite tunes. The introspective song is written for those who feel destined to live an isolated life, undetected, and away from the judging eyes of the world. Through a “Periscope” we found ourselves gaining superior powers of observation as we attain contact with the world from a safe distance, comfortably undetected, and shielded from everything, and everyone.

Somedays I walk undetected
I become the shadow of my shadow
Away from the stares of the judging eyes
I feel the world through my periscope
Periscope, periscope

And I escape all
Hiding in my maze of lenses
A single eye
The only testament for a fading life
For a fading life, for a fading life

Confined to the limits of who I've become
A battle that I wage in silence
Consumed by the harshness of the dos and donts
My periscope the contact with it all
Periscope, periscope

And I see it all
From a safe distance I explore
A single eye
Looking for the sun to dry its tears
To dry its tears, dry its tears

Destined to live on the margins of my life
Out of touch with everything and everyone
Front and center of a movie from another world
Behind the crystals of my periscope
Periscope, periscope

Music and Lyrics: Gafufa
Mix and Master: Gafufa

Hasta el Fin

“Hasta El Fin” es una canción inspirada en la exasperación de estar inmerso en el “toma y dame” de una relación que se desencadena en un deseo insaciable de poseer a la otra persona en su totalidad. La canción, originalmente escrita y mezclada en el 2021, emprendió una serie de alteraciones con diferentes arreglos y estructuras musicales. Después de varias mezclas, finalmente hemos decidido que era tiempo de que viera la luz y fue incluida en el EP de Gafufa III.

Me enredas con palabras
Con excusas macabras
Me envuelves en tus faldas
Y aprovechas mis fallas

Me abres las heridas
Que estaban escondidas
Y sin pedir perdón
Les pones sal y limón

Te mordería la piel
Te seguiría, te esperaría
Hasta el fin
Te mordería la piel
Te seguiría, te esperaría
Hasta el fin

Me tienes confundido
Ingenuo seducido
Pero tras de tu rumbo
Voy hasta el fin del mundo

Me diste mi alimento
Yo quede sin aliento
Me pusiste el bozal
Así como a un animal

Te mordería la piel
Te seguiría, te esperaría
Hasta el fin
Te mordería la piel
Te seguiría, te esperaría
Hasta el fin

Si yo pudiera
Te dejaría de querer
Te olvidaría, me perdería
Hasta el fin

Te mordería la piel
Te seguiría, te esperaría
Hasta el fin
Te mordería la piel
Te seguiría, te esperaría
Hasta el fin

Music and Lyrics: Gafufa
Mix and Master: Gafufa

Empty Chair

“Empty Chair" is a song written about human pain and affliction caused by the loss of a loved one. Only when we face the actual absence of someone in our routine is that we genuinely realize the true feeling of loss. The inspiration to write “Empty Chair” did not come from any lyrics or instrumental riffs as usual. It actually stemmed from a picture taken of a neglected “Empty Chair” in someone’s front yard, encountered while taking a winter walk through the colorful streets of Miami.

As I stare into the emptiness
The pain inside my heart is here to stay
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh

Pull yourself together she would say
No time to surrender hold your head up-high
We live, we die, we live

On an empty chair
Where you once sat
I sit alone
And try to hold my tears
One last time

On an empty chair
Where you once sat
I sit alone
And wait to hear your voice
One more time

Since I’ve lost you I have lost my faith
I’ve played my part but then was left behind
No door, to hide, oh oh

I pretend I’m fine and so brave
I fear no fear you know the future’s bright
But it’s not, I am crushed beyond repair
Left in despair

On an empty chair
Where you once sat
I sit alone
And try to hold my tears
One last time

On an empty chair
Where you once sat
I sit alone
And wait to hear your voice
One more time

I don’t know why your shadow keeps hunting me around
I don’t know why your voice sings in the morning hush
I don’t know how to settle my dark monsters inside
I don’t know why the birds are in circling flight

I need to close my heart to find new peace of mind
I need to catch some drops under the angry sky
The blur of emptiness fills up your hopeless shrine
Sitting on your chair and reminisce our time

On an empty chair
Where you once sat
I sit alone
And try to hold my tears
One last time

Music Lyrics: Gafufa
Mix and Master: Gafufa

Muere el Amor

En “Muere El Amor” las memorias de un amor perdido abren camino a tomar conciencia de que el cambio es inminente e inevitable, que el amor siempre muere con todo lo construido y que el cambio ha de recibirse con los brazos abiertos. Nacida de una simple progresión de acordes menores de guitarra en una sesión de jam, la canción es una de las predilectas de Gafufa porque ejemplifica el patrón de colaboración creativa que hemos podido cultivar entre los tres integrantes de la banda.

Como seguir adelante
Con tu despego y desaire
Con tu mirada distante
Con el olvido en el aire

Sangre del amor perdido
Regada por el camino
Memorias de euforia
De lo que hemos perdido

Muere, mi vida contigo
Muere, todo lo construido
Muere, el amor se muere
Muere, y ya no me duele
Y ya no me duele

Entraste a mi vida volando
Con tu belleza y encanto
Con tus mágicos colores
Que se fueron apagando

El tiempo se ha detenido
La lluvia moja el olvido
Soy un sujeto perpetuo
Con el futuro vacío

Muere, mi vida contigo
Muere, todo lo construido
Muere, el amor se muere
Muere, que descanse en paz
Y no vuelva jamás

Music and Lyrics: Gafufa
Mix and Master: Gafufa

The Rage

“The Rage” was born from personal torment. It expresses our pent-up anger with past experiences that we struggle to leave behind. There is an ingrained duality in the song. The lyrics expose a gloom message of deep, dark anger, and pain, but are wrapped in a light, upbeat chord progression. This duality is how we inherently have experienced living with bullying memories - “playing hide and seek hoping the memories won’t win”.

The pain I feel inside of me
Has been festering for long
It resides deep in my soul
Since I was a little boy

It comes and goes during the day
It goes away when skies are blue
But it hurts me back with raging force
When looking back to my childhood

A skinny boy at an early age
When the pain made me aware
The weak and nice are held at gunpoint
So better get your fun as well

The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
Hold the line the end is near

How can I feel so strong some days
And then crumble to my knees
I careful step from rock to rock
But the shame runs underneath

When your pain runs so so deep
You live playing hide and seek
You wrap your days in a routine
You hope the memories won’t win

Decades of whispers on the couch
Seeking peace with my own ghosts
Have done nothing, not a fucking thing
The rage is here, the anger is real

The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
In the darkness of my fears

And I tried, and I tried
And I tried to leave it all behind,
Away, for good, for you
And I tried, and I tried
And I tried to leave it all behind,
Away, for good, for you

The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
The rage is here, the anger feeds my fear
My hands are clean my mind in tears

Music, Lyrics and Mix: Gafufa
Master: Rafa Bermeo


Con una melodía sustentada por solos alternantes de guitarra eléctrica y frases dinámicas de bajo, “Mamá” es una canción que escuchada de manera denotativa expresa emociones pueriles e inocentes hacia la figura maternal. Sin embargo, examinando el juego de palabras subjetivas, la canción revela su mensaje denotativo verdadero.

Mamá esta furiosa
Mamá esta perdida
Mamá esta rabiosa y enrojecida

Mamá esta pensando
Mamá esta planeando
Mamá esta mirando y deliberando

Que es lo que quieres mamá
Que es lo que piensas mamá
Que es lo que sabes mamá
Que has decidido mamá

Mamá la mas buena
Mamá la divina
Mamá sabe todo en esta vida

Mamá la grandiosa
Mamá la bendita
Mamá solo hay una y es la mía

Que es lo que quieres mamá
Que es lo que piensas mamá
Que es lo que sabes mamá
Que has decidido mamá

Mamá esta cansada
Mamá esta dormida
Mañana ya tendrás otro día

Music and Lyrics: Gafufa
Mix and Master: Gafufa

Click to listen to Gafufa III on Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube Music.

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All songs © 2022 GAFUFA. All rights reserved.